Migration from previous versions

Incompatible changes with 0.11:

  • reset_stack was replaced with StartMode. E.g. reset_stack=true is now mode=StartMode.RESET_STACK

  • dialog no more changes current aiogram state

  • In manager context and current_intent() were replaced with current_context() call.
    • dialog_data is a dict to hold user data

    • widget_data is a dict to hold data of widgets

    • start_data is a data provided whe dialog start

    • state is current dialog state

  • When subdialog finishes parent is restored with previous state, not which it was started

  • Changed signature of on_process_result callback. It now accepts start data used to start subdialog

  • Group.keep_rows option removed. Set width=None (default value) if you want to keep rows.