Passing data#

Some widgets contain fixed text, others can show dynamic contents For example:

  • Const("Hello, {name}!") will be rendered as Hello, {name}!

  • Format("Hello, {name}!") will interpolate with window data and transformed to something like Hello, Tishka17!

So, widgets can use data. But data must be loaded from somewhere. To do it Windows and Dialogs have getter attribute. Getter can be either a function returning data or static dict or list of such objects.

So let’s create a function and use it to enrich our window with data.


In this and later examples we will skip common bot creation and dialog registration code unless it has notable differences with quickstart

from aiogram.filters.state import StatesGroup, State

from aiogram_dialog import Window, Dialog
from aiogram_dialog.widgets.kbd import Button
from aiogram_dialog.widgets.text import Const, Format

class MySG(StatesGroup):
    main = State()

async def get_data(**kwargs):
    return {
        "name": "Tishka17",

dialog = Dialog(
        Format("Hello, {name}!"),
        Button(Const("Useless button"), id="nothing"),
        getter=get_data,  # here we set our data getter

It will look like:


Since version 1.6 you do not need getter to access some common objects:

  • dialog_data -contents of corresponding field from current context. Normally it is used to store data between multiple calls and windows withing single dialog

  • start_data - data passed during current dialog start. It is also accessible using current_context

  • middleware_data - data passed from middlewares to handler. Same as

  • event - current processing event which triggered window update. Be careful using it, because different types of events can cause refreshing same window.