
In simple case you can use keyboard consisting of single button. Button consts of text, id, on-click callback and when condition.

Text can be any Text widget, that represents plain text. It will receive window data so your button will have dynamic caption

Callback is normal async function. It is called when user clicks a button Unlike normal handlers you should not call callback.answer(), as it is done automatically.

from aiogram.types import CallbackQuery

from aiogram_dialog import DialogManager
from aiogram_dialog.widgets.kbd import Button
from aiogram_dialog.widgets.text import Const

async def go_clicked(callback: CallbackQuery, button: Button,
                     manager: DialogManager):
    await callback.message.answer("Going on!")

go_btn = Button(
    id="go",  # id is used to detect which button is clicked

If it is unclear to you where to put button, check Quickstart